About Neil

I started out like every other brewer trying to get into the hobby, reading, attempting, drinking, sometimes failing but mainly enjoying myself.

Over time I developed my skills and became more knowledgeable up until the point where knocking up a batch of beer at home is second nature.

I developed my skills enough, in fact, to become a professional brewer. I now get to brew for a wider audience than I ever imagined and it all started from making up batches on the kitchen stove.

Entries by Neil


What Was Your Very First Home Brew?

It seems like an age since I made my first beer. I had absolutely no idea of what I was doing. I do remember having an article printed out that explained how to make beer from malt extract (I’ve now worked on my own version). I didn’t know what these ingredients were let alone how […]

Chinook Single Hop IPA Tasting

If you have visited before you may have seen the recipe published here for Single Hop IPA’s. The gist of the article was as a way to understand the qualities of different varieties of hops. The flavour and aroma they impart and to build an understanding of how they in a beer. Around the same […]


Rehydrating Dry Yeast FTW!

I have seen various debates regarding the usage of dry yeast. Tthe main point of contention being whether the home brewer should rehydrate the yeast, or whether the yeast should just be sprinkled on top of the cooled wort. It clearly seems to be a hot topic of debate but I think there is only […]

Refreshing Grapefruit Soda Recipe

Today I want to post a different recipe, instead of the usual beer I want to return to making soda. If you are a regular reader you may remember that a little while back I discussed craft soda. In that post I covered a little bit about the history of soda and I added a […]

Fermentation Temperature Control & Inkbird ITC-310T Review

I think every brewer asks himself the question, “how can I make better beer?” The answer to this question lies in having a greater control of processes that go towards producing beer. If you are a regular reader here at home brew answers then you’ll know just how many times I mention how controlling your […]


Is My Beer Infected?

One of the most common questions among new home brewers who may be unsure of how a normal fermentation looks is, “Is My Beer Infected?”. It’s true that fermentation can look kind of weird, gross, strange and occasionally unusual but in most cases as long as you follow good sanitising practices there shouldn’t be anything […]

Pilsner Recipe & Beer Halls

Forget your IPAs, double IPAs, imperial stouts, I can take them or leave them. If there was only one beer that I had to spend the rest of my life drinking it wouldn’t be any of those. If there was only one beer that I had to choose it would be Pilsner. Don’t get me […]