Tag Archive for: Brewing Ingredients

Brewing A Kettle Sour
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Kettle Sour: Brewing Your First Kettle Soured Beer

You can love it. You can hate it. But there’s no denying the fact that sour beer is an integral part of the vast and intriguing world of beer. Sour beers have enjoyed an immense rise in popularity lately and in particular, kettle soured…
Adding Fruit To Your Home Brew Beer

Adding Fruit To Your Home Brew Beer

Adding fruit to a beer is a great way to add another dimension that just isn’t possible with malt, hops and yeast. It can lead to all sorts of questions though. Will it contaminate the beer? How much do you need to add? What point in the…
Aromatic Malt

Brewing With Aromatic Malt

Most maltsters produce an aromatic malt in their lineup of products. It is a highly kilned malt whose name conjures up a sense of what this malt could bring to a beer. What aromatic malt does bring to a beer is a bold maltiness that is…
Amber Malt

Brewing With Amber Malt

Amber malt is one of the most versatile toasted malts around for brewers. The range of beers that amber malt can find itself in is wide in part due to its colour and the biscuity, toasted flavours it imparts. It can find itself in the darkest…
Brown Ale

Brown Ale Recipe + Spiced Brown Ale

It’s nearly December already. Every year around I has gotten into the habit of brewing a spiced beer for Christmas. My wife now insists that this happen and it’s turned into something of a family tradition. Usually, I would spice a whole…
Black Malt

Brewing With Black Malt

Black malt or black patent malt is one of the three main dark grains that are synonymous with brewing dark beers. Although it has not quite got the allure of chocolate malt or roasted barley, partly due to the name, it is still essential…
Roasted Barley

Brewing With Roasted Barley

Roasted Barley is a highly kilned and roasted adjunct made with unmalted barley. It is one of the darkest grains available for brewing and often finds itself in recipes to add colour. This is not the end of it though because there is a massive…
Chocolate Malt

Chocolate Malt – Brewing With Chocolate Malt

The name chocolate malt gives away a few clues about this dark highly kilned malt. Chocolate malt is a classic choice of malt for getting the colour and flavour that we want in porters although is it the best malt to get a chocolate tasting…
Campden Tablets
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Campden Tablets: What Are They, Uses & How They Work

Campden tablets have multiple uses in homebrewing and are a versatile tool in both winemaking and beer making. Campden tablets are one of 2 chemicals, either sodium or potassium metabisulfite which have unique attributes useful to the brewer. Firstly…
Yeast Nutrient
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What Is Yeast Nutrient? And How To Use It

If you have been brewing for any length of time you may have heard of yeast nutrient. It is a very common additive for plenty of wine recipes but is not often listed in many beer recipes. Several yeast companies produce their own brand of…