Tag Archive for: Brewing Ingredients

Maris Otter

Tips for Buying Home Brew Supplies

When it comes to buying home brewing supplies, there are a few things you need to think about. Things like ingredients you need to think about quality, cost and freshness. Equipment purchases mean thinking about how useful is it, practicality…
Peanut Butter Porter

Brewing A Peanut Butter Porter – Mixing Beer & Peanuts

Occasionally it becomes irresistible to try out something completely different to the ordinary home brew beer. As homebrewers we can pick and choose exactly what goes into a beer with no repercussions on whether anyone else will like it. I like…
Pectic Enzyme

What Is Pectic Enzyme & What Does It Do?

Pectic enzyme is included in many of the wine recipes here on Home Brew Answers, it is an integral additive in the winemaker's arsenal. Did you know it even has uses in beer making depending on what kind of beer you are brewing? When you see…
Irish Moss, Protafloc, Copper Finings

How To Use Irish Moss, Protafloc and Copper Finings

Crystal clear beers rely on a few principles when brewing, copper finings such as Irish Moss or Protafloc / Protafloc are one of the aids that can help the home brewer make a bright, clear beer. What are they and how do they work? This is what…
Reusing Yeast

Reusing Yeast From One Beer To The Next

Reusing yeast isn’t a novel idea, in fact, in commercial breweries it’s the norm. A commercial brewery will reuse yeast by cropping the yeast from the top or bottom of a fermenter just after the primary fermentation has finished. The yeast…
Making A Yeast Starter

Do I Need To Make A Yeast Starter?

You probably know a thing or two about yeast starters, either you’ve read about them, heard other brewers talk about “making a yeast starter” or you make one before brewing every batch. Home brewers will often profess it's provided…
storing malt hops and yeast

Storing Malt, Storing Hops & Storing Yeast

If you are anything like me then after a little while of brewing you will end up with a whole box full of malt and other grains that have been used in other beer recipes and now reside half used until you buy another bag of the same stuff because…
Beer Kit

Why I’m Creating My Own Beer Kits

I’m a big fan of beer kits as a way to get into home brewing. I’ve written quite a bit about using beer kits and how to get the best out of them, however, I think they do have some shortcomings. This is why I have decided to create my…
Dry Hops

What’s The Best Way To Dry Hop A Beer?

Like in all aspects of homebrewing there are many ways to reach the same end result. Dry hopping a beer is certainly no different. Just take a look online and you'll find numerous ways, techniques and lengths of time in which to dry hop a beer.…
Torrified Wheat

Torrified Wheat. All The Questions You Never Asked, Answered

Looking through recipes for many British beers especially from older, regional breweries, you will notice that time and time again the same ingredient pops up in the grain bill. Torrified wheat. It is usually added in small percentages, especially…