Tag Archive for: General Home Brewing

Beer Kits

The Merits Of Beer Kits

For most people beer kits are what introduced them to the hobby of home brewing, for others it’s their only way of brewing beer. I have used a few in my time as a brewer and not necessarily when I first started out either. They are a convenient…

Fermenting Bucket vs. Demijohn / Carboy

Although I think this is primarily an issue of personal preference (and bears no noticeable effect on the outcome of your beer) I am going to look at the choice of fermenter or fermenting vessel the home brewer uses. I have seen a lot of…
home brew calculator

5 Of The Best Online Home Brew Calculators

  Tools are there to help you do a job and the tools that I turn to time and time again are brewing calculators. Admittedly there can be a lot of maths involved in home brewing and it’s good to know the maths behind say what…
Designing a Beer Recipe
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Weizenbock Home Brew Recipe Design Process

I have wanted to talk about designing a beer recipe for a while and now the opportunity has arisen. If you are anything like me, you will have a box full of half used malts and grains that you end up with after brewing other beers. You need…
Priming Sugar

Using Priming Sugar & Carbonating Your Beer

Priming with sugar is one of those subjects that gets overlooked. The way a beer is carbonated has an important role in the way the beer tastes and is perceived by the person drinking it. Priming a beer is something you’ll have to do for…
Hop Bitterness

Hop Bitterness and Calculating IBU

Hops are a complex ingredient in homebrew, there is a lot of involved biochemistry surrounding their interaction in the beer making process but it is good to know a little about what is happening when you use them because when you want to develop…
Home Brew Label

Designing A Home Brew Label

Designing your own home brew labels can be a really great way to add value to your home brewed beers. A few years ago when I got married I gave everyone who attended the wedding a couple of different beers. The beers were a Citra Pale Ale and…
Cantillon Brewery

The Sour Beers of Cantillon Brewery

Foreword: A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to take a tour around Cantillon Brewery in Brussels. I wrote it up at the time and it seems a shame not to post it here now. I’m sure the brewery is the same now as it was a couple of…
Brewing Belgian Beer
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Beginners Guide To Home Brewing Belgian Beers

What I am hoping to do in this post is encapsulate everything about getting to know and getting started brewing Belgian beer in a concise form. There are so obviously this isn’t going to be as an expansive resource as one of those but I hope…
Beer Ingredients

Understanding Beer Ingredients For Beginners

When you start out making beer it can be daunting with the amount of beer ingredients on offer to know what one, or any of them are going to do to your home brew. There are such a wide varieties of malts, hops and yeast alone that will all…