Tag Archive for: Beer Recipe
A Nod To Summer Lightning – East Kent Golding Pale Ale Recipe
Many current pale ales have become synonymous with piney, tropical and citrusy American hops. When I first started drinking though at the turn of the millennium, this wasn’t the case. Pale or rather golden beers were riding a wave of popularity…
Chinook Single Hop IPA Tasting
If you have visited before you may have seen the recipe published here for Single Hop IPA's. The gist of the article was as a way to understand the qualities of different varieties of hops. The flavour and aroma they impart and to build an understanding…
Converting All Grain Recipes To Malt Extract
One of the things you see a lot when researching beer recipes is the vast majority of them are aimed all grain brewers. Even I am guilty of this very same bias, pretty much all of the recipes that I have posted here on Home Brew Answers…
Single Hop IPA Recipe To Evaluate Hop Varieties
There may not be a better way for the home brewer to learn and understand how each ingredient tastes and flavours a beer than by using it as the sole ingredient in a beer.
When considering hops to use in your recipes for instance, if…
Pilsner Recipe & Beer Halls
Forget your IPAs, double IPAs, imperial stouts, I can take them or leave them. If there was only one beer that I had to spend the rest of my life drinking it wouldn't be any of those. If there was only one beer that I had to choose it would…
How Much Does A Pint Of Home Brew Cost?
I am sure there is a great divide between reasons why people get into home brewing, saving money being one of those benefits that may be the whole reason you started brewing in the first place but for others just an added bonus.
It is a definite…
Honey Blonde Ale Tasting
The intention of brewing this Blonde Ale was to make a beer that has all those subtle and delicate flavours of honey and retain as much if them as possible. The volatile flavour compounds tend to get lost in honey beers especially when adding…
Honey Blonde Ale Recipe
It seems there are hundreds of beers available now that claim to be honey beers but sometimes it’s difficult to tell just how much honey is in them. It’s difficult to detect much honey aroma at all in some beers and this may be to do…
Weizenbock Home Brew Recipe Design Process
I have wanted to talk about designing a beer recipe for a while and now the opportunity has arisen. If you are anything like me, you will have a box full of half used malts and grains that you end up with after brewing other beers. You need…
Kolsch Tasting & Taking Notes
Around a month ago I shared the recipe for a Kolsch I brewed. As promised I will now share the tasting notes for the beer.
As a home brewer I find sitting and writing these tasting notes really helpful. It is such a great exercise…