Tag Archive for: Beer Recipe

Peanut Butter Porter

Brewing A Peanut Butter Porter – Mixing Beer & Peanuts

Occasionally it becomes irresistible to try out something completely different to the ordinary home brew beer. As homebrewers we can pick and choose exactly what goes into a beer with no repercussions on whether anyone else will like it. I like…
Warm Fermented Lager

Lager Fermented At Ale Temperatures?

Fermenting a beer with a lager yeast at ale temperatures. There are probably a few purists that will say the beer will end up a mess of off flavours and fusel alcohols. I have bent the rules however and done this very thing, fermented a…
Blonde Ale

Blonde Ale Recipe – A Lawnmower Beer

As a home brewer there is nothing quite as exciting as the weather warming up and the thought of all the beers you are going to make with the intention of sitting out in the garden, on the beach or the backyard and sipping on something thirst…
Barley Wine Recipe

Big English Barley Wine Recipe

Brewing big beers like this Barley Wine recipe is always a bit more of a challenge and more interesting than the regular old “house beer” that we grow accustomed to brewing time and time again. These heavy, high alcohol beers develop…
Beer Recipes

Install This Chrome Extension To Make Reading Beer Recipes A Whole Lot Easier

When it comes to sitting down and researching a new beer recipe you are working on anything that makes the job simpler and easier has got to be good, right? It is obviously a lot more fun actually making the beer than doing the groundwork.…
Strong Ale Recipe

Strong Ale / Old Ale Recipe – Brew It, Drink It & Age It

A beer that isn’t as popular as it should be are Strong Ales / Old Ales. Currently, so many beers are hop driven it’s easy to forget just how much flavour and character big malt driven strong beers can provide. A quality I often try to achieve…
Saison Recipe

Saison Recipe – Belgian Farmhouse Ale

There are few beer styles that are as pleasurable to brew as a Saison and this Saison recipe is no exception. The style can encompass a whole range of flavours and characters but at its heart, a good Saison recipe relies on simple ingredients…
session stout

Small Batch Milk Stout Recipe & Video

Simple Stove Top Malt Extract Brew There are occasions when home brewing, especially from an outside perspective, can seem complicated and require lots of equipment for someone who is just starting. What I wanted to do with this latest batch…
Porter Recipe

Split Batch Blackberry Porter Recipe

It's at this time of year that I tend to get overwhelmed by the number of lighter summer beers that I brew and begin wanting something darker and maltier to contrast with them, a porter recipe I have been working on fits the bill nicely. After…
Scaling Beer Recipe

Scaling Beer Recipes By Volume and Efficiency

The are thousands of homebrew recipes online, plus there are plenty of recipes right here on Home Brew Answers that I have published. The trouble is, with home brew recipes they don’t always fit with the way each of us brews. Not everybody…