Tag Archive for: General Home Brewing
Kolsch All Grain Recipe That Goes By The Book
I’m not really doing a Kolsch recipe it’s a “Kolsch-style” recipe!
Kolsch is one of those beer styles it seems that to truly appreciate and understand you have to make a trip to Cologne in Germany.
When you write about it you…
Will Cleaning Bottles Ever Be Fun?
It’s not a popular subject, it doesn’t get talked about a lot and it’s most people's least favourite part about brewing. Bottling beer. I’m going to talk about it anyway. Well cleaning bottles at least.
As with most things in life…
So … You’ve Just Got A Beer Making Kit!
Beer making kits are a popular gift. One that can either kindle a home brewing passion that flourishes or quite the opposite, a one time event. In most cases this will be determined by the finished product, whether the beer is any good or…
How Long Does It Take To Brew Beer
I have noticed a lot of people arrive here at home brew answers looking for an answer to the above question. It’s not surprising really.
It’s one of the most common questions new home brewers are looking to find the answer and I can see…
How Long Does Home Brew Last?
Your home brew has a shelf life and depending on how you store it, that shelf life can be shortened or lengthened. As you have invested time and effort to create a beer in the first place, it would be nice if you can keep the beer tasting it’s…
Complete Guide To All Grain Brewing (Little Equipment or Experience Needed)
Before we begin I want to make a few things clear about what will be covered in this post just so you know what you’re getting into here:
This is a post aimed primarily at beginners and people that have never brewed before.
It is also…
Simple Home Brewing Water Treatment
I was recently sent this pH meter by Meterics.com (thanks guys) so what better time to talk about water chemistry.
Any article about water chemistry usually starts with the line, “Water chemistry is a complex subject”. So…
15 Tips For The New Home Brewer
There is a lot of information here on Home Brew Answers that should hopefully enable you to brew better beers or understand some of the processes behind home brewing high quality beer.
Making the very best beer, every time is so simple it…
How To Get A Good Head On Your Beer
A nice layer of creamy foam on top of a pint of beer is a key part of what makes a beer look like a beer. It could be argued whether it makes any difference to the flavour and taste of your pint. I think it definitely has a psychological, aesthetic…
Leave The Pumpkin Out of Beer?
I don't want to ruffle any feathers but I just don't get it. It seems primarily an American tradition but it is definitely something that's creeping over to the UK, people seem to go crazy for pumpkin beers.
I'll admit, I have…